That residence had another incidence in 2018 when a monal pheasant exhibited neurologic disease. Around the same time, a residence in the northern suburbs of Pretoria had 5 monal and 2 tragopan pheasants that exhibited neurologic signs and died. In June 2017, this property had another 4 monal pheasants that displayed signs of lethargy and ataxia and died within a day. In April 2016, two Himalayan monal pheasants ( Lophophorus impejanus) and 1 tragopan pheasant ( Tragopan melanocephalus) suddenly died on a property northeast of Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa. We report detection of BAGV in fatalities in Himalayan monal pheasants in South Africa during 2016–2017. Zoonotic transmission was reported in India after patients with acute encephalitis demonstrated 15% positivity for BAGV neutralizing antibodies ( 6). No evidence of the virus has been reported in other parts of Africa. BAGV infection causes neurologic disease in avian species, especially turkeys and other members of the Phasianidae family 1 report suggests that BAGV and ITV are the same viral species ( 3).īAGV also has been detected in various mosquito species in western Africa ( 4, 5), India ( 6), and the Arabian Peninsula ( 7) and in wild partridges in Spain ( 8). In 1978, BAGV was isolated from turkeys with clinical signs similar to Israel turkey meningoencephalitis virus (ITV) in South Africa ( 2). BAGV was isolated in 1966 from Culex mosquitoes in the Bagaza district of Central African Republic ( 1). Read all about Himalayan monal plumage change.The flavivirus genus of family Flaviviridae consists of 53 virus species, including arboviruses of medical and veterinary relevance, such as West Nile virus and Bagaza virus (BAGV). Want to learn more about Himalayan monals? Check out our Factsheetand YouTube video! Our Red Panda Forest, where the Himalayan monal is housed, shows many species living together and explains their roles within the ecosystem. All animals interact with one another, and each plays an important role in the ecosystem. The Sacramento Zoo works with visitors of all ages to increase awareness of the need to preserve whole habitats and ecosystems to protect as many species as possible. It has specific habitat requirements that prevent it from finding new home ranges. Although this bird is still common in some areas, it is unable to readily adapt to a changing environment. Furthermore, hunting these birds for food continues to decrease wild populations. Male head feathers are a sought-out prize. Loss of habitat is the largest threat to the Himalayan monal pheasant’s survival. Kevin, the Monster of Paradise Falls, is partially based on our birds! They took pictures, made sketches, and observed the behavior of our Himalayan monals. When developing the film “Up,” Pixar artists visited the Sacramento Zoo. The female will incubate the eggs for 27 days as the male stays nearby for protection. After mating, the female will dig a shallow nest in the ground to lay 3 to 5 eggs. Himalayan monals are monogamous and form strong pair bonds during breeding season. Himalayan monal’s lifespan is unknown in the wild, but in human care they generally live 10 – 12 years. There, they congregate in large coveys and roost together. As temperatures cool in the winter, the birds migrate down as low as 6,500 feet. In the summer, these birds live at 16,000 feet.

Himalayan monals migrate across altitudes. Here at the zoo, they eat mixed vegetables, game bird chow, and insects. In the wild, they feed on a variety of insects, seeds, tubers, roots, and berries. It favors oak-conifer forests rich with rhododendrons, open, grassy slopes, and alpine meadows. Himalayan monals live in the Himalayan hill forest from Afghanistan and Pakistan through the Himalayas in India, Nepal, southern Tibet, and Bhutan. Here are some of the most asked questions about Himalayan monals. With that delight comes unbridled curiosity. Also known as the Himalayan pheasant, this bird delights guests of all ages. The Himalayan monal is one of the most colorful birds here at the Sacramento Zoo. Sponsorship Opportunities/ Corporate Partners.Employee Conservation Contribution Program.